Time & Location
Jun 13, 2020, 11:59 PM
About the event
With stay at home orders all over the country, there is civil unrest and uncertainty. Life as we know has changed. Covid-19 has had scary impact on us all, but let's not stop living. Come on martial artists it's our time to shine! Show the world the discipline, concentration, and physical ability you have gained through all your years in the martial arts. Quarantine Wars is here. Answer the Call!!!
Join the #QuarantineWars challenge. This is a social media contest aimed to revitalize the martial arts spirit. The challenge is being hosted by the Midwest Martial Arts Federation (MWMA) in conjunction with Jade Fortress Shaolin Martial Arts Academy, and Shuang Long Martial Arts.
One Warrior Army Entry
This entry is for a martial artist submitting his/her own video entry. Can not have anyone else in their video or help from anyone. (Yes this is being used as a deterrent to discourage single submissions.) Though this challenge is for martial arts schools groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible
$5.00Sale ended2 Warriors Are Better than 1
This entry is for 2 martial artist submitting their joint video entry. Can not have anyone else in their video or help from anyone. (Yes this is being used as a deterrent to discourage couples submissions.) Though this challenge is for martial arts schools groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible
$10.00Sale ended3 Warriors Not a Crowd Entry
This entry is for martial artist that have at least 3 performers in their video entry. Can not have anyone else in their video or help from anyone. Though this challenge is for martial arts schools groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible for entry.
$15.00Sale endedThe 4 Musketeers Entry
This entry is for martial artist that have at least 4 performers in their video entry. Though this challenge is for martial arts schools, groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible for entry.
$20.00Sale endedFurious 5 Entry
This entry is for martial artist that have 5 performers in their video entry. Though this challenge is for martial arts schools, groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible for entry.
$25.00Sale ended6 With Tricks Entry
This entry is for martial artist that have 6 performers in their video entry. Though this challenge is for martial arts schools, groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible for entry.
$30.00Sale ended7 Fists of Fury Entry
This entry is for martial artist that have 7 performers in their video entry. Though this challenge is for martial arts schools, groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible for entry.
$35.00Sale endedEight Fold Warriors Entry
This entry is for martial artist that have 8 performers in their video entry. Though this challenge is for martial arts schools, groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible for entry.
$40.00Sale endedNine Levels of War Entry
This entry is for martial artist that have 9 performers in their video entry. Though this challenge is for martial arts schools, groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible for entry.
$45.00Sale ended"THIS IS QUARANTINE" Entry
This entry is for martial artist that have the max number of performers (10) in their video entry. Though this challenge is for martial arts schools, groups with less than 5 performers are also eligible for entry.
$50.00Sale ended